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[INTERLUDE] A Very Demonly New Year

For Novastorme's December writing challenge: one of my characters involved in a competition. Set Jan 2023.


"Give me a break! Why don't you two just play hanetsuki or something? Or go somewhere to make out?" Inasuke cried exasperatedly to his two friends sitting before him. "Why do Shigisawa-sempai and I have to watch your stupid headbutt?"

It was New Year, and for many Japanese people employed in the Headquarters, that meant traditional Japanese New Year pastimes. However, for a certain group of four agents, it wasn't as fun as it sounded. Hazama Kaguya and Tomiyama Urato, their rivalry as long-standing as it was, saw it as a chance to duke it out, and so began an intense, not at all fun game of tōsenkyō fan-throwing in the Courtyard.

At first, they considered karuta, which was ruled against as Urato didn't remember even half of the poems in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (instantly earning a snide remark from Kaguya about his intelligence). Deciding on tōsenkyō turned out to not be a much better decision – Inasuke and Momoka, acting as referees, had no choice but to sit and watch their partners quarrel back and forth, still yet to actually start the game.

"You are the one who goes first. I suggest you stop wasting time and just make a throw," Kaguya said, while Urato still yet held his fan in front of his face, busy angling it up and down and backwards.

"N' not gedda highest score? Ya kiddin' me, right?" Urato replied. "No way Imma let ya beat me at any kinda sports. Imma score da highest number o' points on ma first throw; lesse ya can top dat!"

"Do you even know what the highest scoring throw is even called, or how it looks? How do you expect to beat me then?"

Inasuke was short of smacking both with oversized pleated paper fans. Momoka was not exactly helping – she was busy entranced by the sight of Kaguya in his best kimono. This was going to be a rather eventful New Year.

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